


Our Team

Investing in and valuing employees and future generations

The Vicaima Group has more than 800 employees of diverse nationalities who contribute daily to the sustainable growth of the organisation.
The professional development, qualification of our people and valorisation of the youngest define our strategy, which has as its main objective to have a positive impact on a society that aims to be more equal and inclusive.

Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, as well as equal opportunities in the sphere of personal and professional development based on each person's performance and merit. A multicultural workforce, with gender balance (56% men and 44% women) and solid relationships of loyalty and trust (88% of employees are permanent)





Attracting and investing in new talent


Promoting youth employment and valuing future generations is one of the Vicaima Group's priorities. That's why we invest in partnerships that present solid and innovative projects, such as the 42Porto school and the Fundação José Neves, which encourage the development of skills and integration into a professional world that is intended to be more qualified and attractive.

In this context, proximity actions with future professionals are equally fundamental and that is why we enhance a close connection with Universities and Schools across the country, bringing the concept of “from theory to practice” to life, through open classes in the institutions themselves or visits to our manufacturing units. 

From curricular, extra-curricular or professional internships, the opportunities and challenges presented by the Vicaima Group are diverse and can, depending on the desired field of study, be carried out in one of our companies at national or international level.


The dynamics of the Vicaima Group provide daily challenges and can turn the start of a professional journey into an enriching and special experience.

Join us!



Our motto is:
"Work with safety first"

Promoting and guaranteeing a safe and healthy working environment for Our People is a commitment and a priority for Vicaima. We foster a safety culture based on prevention, training and information, which is crucial to encouraging good individual and collective practices.

In this context, various projects and improvement actions have been implemented since 2020, including:


In this way, we seek to consolidate a collective culture of safety in order to promote the involvement of all parties in identifying potential improvements, raising awareness to prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses.

    • Investment in more advanced industrial support equipment, which has made it possible to increase safety levels, reduce the associated effort and improve operating conditions
    • "New evacuation routes" , project, which redefined the evacuation routes applicable to all industrial units in Portugal and the UK
    • By 2023,"Lifelines" are being remodelled and installed, so that all work "at height" carried out in Vicaima Indústria's factories and offices is done with the utmost safety
    • Awareness campaigns and training extended to all employees so that they are properly qualified to handle extinguishers and reels correctly

The importance of Our People's Health and Well-being

Promoting the Health and Well-Being of our employees is a daily challenge and is a crucial theme to increase everyone's motivation and involvement.

In order to be able to closely and continuously promote physical and emotional well-being and emotional wellbeing, we have a corporate medical service which includes permanent nurses, doctors and physiotherapists at our Internal Medicine Office in Vale de Cambra.

In 2022 we reinforced our occupational health programmes, including initiatives on nutrition, mental health, physical activity and good practices to prevent injuries, with the aim of fostering a safe and healthy environment for employees, ensuring their well-being.

In order to ensure adequate monitoring for our employees, we provide:

    • Carrying out preventive examinations in the context of professional activity
    • General and occupational General and occupational
    • Physiotherapy and osteopathy consultations
    • Improving ergonomics in loco
    • Improving and adjusting equipment when necessary
    • Dynamics to raise awareness of a healthier lifestyle
    • Health education focussing on three fundamental pillars: education, autonomy and qualification