
Primed 2 Go

The easy way to Paint a Door

Introducing Primed 2 Go from Vicaima, saving valuable time and costs on site with a revolutionary new surface finish.  With its specially developed ultra-smooth surface, Primed 2 Go allows you to just wipe the face clean and paint without the need for time consuming sanding or priming on site. All doors are manufactured to Vicaima’s superior construction with timber lippings* and softwood rails. Fire performance options are also available.  Why sand and prime a door when you can  use Primed 2 Go.

  • No Face sanding or priming
  • Reduces site cost and time
  • Tested to EN ISO 2409/DIN 53151 – grade 0-1
  • FD30 and FD60 Fire doors available

Download Leaflet Primed 2 Go

* Timber lippings will require treatment after fitting on site

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